Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Fifth Annual Read and Sing to Your Bunny Build a Bunny Bag Celebration

We would like to thank everyone who participated in our recent Fifth Annual Build a Bunny Bag event for the Atchison Read and Sing to Your Bunny Early Literacy Project.  We had eighteen students, teachers, community leaders, BOE members, and administrators assist us.

In case you weren't aware of the project, any child born at Atchison Hospital receives a wonderful bag that includes the fantastic book, "Read To Your Bunny," that is provided by a collaborative grant with Atchison DREAM Team, Atchison Kiwanis, USD 409,  ANEA, and KNEA!

The newborns also receive a hand-crafted bunny created by the Atchison Hospital Auxiliary, AAARSP, Meadowlark 4-H Club, First Christian Church and an amazing CD of recorded songs and poems performed by USD 409 students and staff.  To date, we have distributed up to 541 Bunny Bags to our newborn families.

It is our hope that this collaborative community effort will provide appropriate resources as families of newborns develop literacy skills, through reading and music, from the very beginning of their lives together. Our project also crosses all backgrounds, giving EVERY child born at Atchison Hospital a wonderful opportunity for academic success.  

Please enjoy a few photos from our event...Keep 'em hopping!

To learn more about our project and the many community partners that are involved, please visit: http://readandsingtoyourbunny.blogspot.com/