AES (K-5) Elementary Music "I Can" Statements

In Kindergarten Music, I Can...

  • show the difference between my singing voice and my speaking voice.
  • echo melody patterns.
  • sing songs that are fast and songs that are slow.
  • keep a steady beat.
  • play rhythms that use both long and short sounds.
  • sing songs and play instruments soft and loud.
  • move in a way that shows steady beat.
  • move to rhythms that use both long and short sounds.
  • move to melodies that use both high and low sounds.
  • create musical patterns through movement.
  • identify sounds that are long and short.
  • identify sounds that are high and low.
  • recognize music patterns that are same and different.
  • recognize classroom percussion instruments.
  • recognize and use my voice in four ways:  whisper, call, speak and sing.
  • experience all kinds of music.
  • show respectful audience behavior.

In First Grade Music, I Can...
  • show the difference between my singing voice and my speaking voice.
  • sing melodic patterns.
  • sing songs that are fast and slow.
  • sing songs and play instruments soft and loud.
  • play a steady beat.
  • play rhythms that use long sounds, short sounds, and silence.
  • play sounds on instruments that are high and low.
  • move in a way that shows steady beat.
  • move to rhythms that use both long and short sounds.
  • move to melodies that use both high and low sounds.
  • create musical patterns through movement.
  • identify rhythms and melodic patterns.
  • recognize music patterns that are same and different.
  • recognize percussion instruments in the orchestra.
  • recognize singing voices that are high and low.
  • identify high and low notes on a music staff.
  • identify long notes, short notes, and silence by their musical symbols.
  • experience all kinds of music.
  • show respectful audience behavior.

In Second Grade Music, I Can...
  • sing melodies on pitch.
  • sing melodies in rhythm.
  • sing songs that are fast and songs that are slow.
  • sing songs and play instruments soft and loud.
  • play a steady beat.
  • play rhythm patterns .
  • play melodic patterns on instruments.
  • move to rhythmic patterns.
  • move to melodic patterns.
  • show control and body awareness while moving.
  • create rhythmic patterns and melodic patterns.
  • identify rhythmic patterns and melodic patterns.
  • identify the direction of a melody.
  • recognize differences in music.
  • recognize instruments in the string family of the orchestra.
  • identify parts of the music staff and the music alphabet.
  • recognize high and low pitches on the music staff.
  • identify eighth notes, quarter notes, half notes, and quarter rests by their music symbols.
  • explore music within cultures, times and places.
  • show respectful audience behavior.

In Third Grade Music, I Can...
  • sing melodies in pitch and in rhythm.
  • sing with appropriate posture and breath control.
  • sing harmonies.
  • play rhythms on instruments in beat groupings of two and three.
  • play melodic patterns and harmonic patterns on instruments.
  • sing songs and play instruments with forte and piano dynamics and fast and slow tempos.
  • move to rhythmic patterns.
  • move to melodic patterns.
  • show control and body awareness while moving.
  • create rhythmic patterns and melodic patterns.
  • show musical form through movement.
  • identify musical patterns.
  • identify differences in music.
  • recognize instruments in the woodwind family of the orchestra.
  • identify parts of a treble staff.
  • identify line notes and space notes on a treble staff by letter name.
  • identify eighth notes, quarter notes, half notes, dotted half notes, whole notes, quarter rests, and whole rests by their musical symbols.
  • identify dynamic markings.
  • explore music within cultures, times and places.
  • show respectful audience behavior.

In Fourth Grade Music, I Can...
  • sing melodies on pitch and with accurate rhythm.
  • sing with appropriate tone, posture, and breathing.
  • sing harmonies.
  • sing and play songs with appropriate dynamics, tempos and phrasing.
  • play rhythms on instruments in meters of two and three.
  • play melodies and harmonies on instruments with correct technique.
  • move to music with a variety of tempos and meters.
  • move appropriately to various rhythms and melodies.
  • show control and body awareness while moving.
  • create rhythmic patterns and melodic patterns.
  • show musical form through movement.
  • identify musical patterns.
  • recognize differences in music.
  • recognize all instruments of the orchestra, including the brass family.
  • recognize voices of the choir.
  • use music vocabulary to describe the quality of a musical performance.
  • read and write notes on the treble clef.
  • recognize music symbols:  eighth notes, quarter notes, half notes, dotted half notes, whole notes, quarter rests, whole rests, eighth rests, and half rests.
  • identify musical styles.
  • identify music, composers, and instruments from other cultures and musical eras.
  • recognize how other subjects are related to music.
  • show respectful audience behavior.

In Fifth Grade Music, I Can...
  • sing on pitch and with accurate rhythm.
  • sing with appropriate tone, posture, breathing and diction.
  • play instruments with accurate rhythm and correct technique.
  • sing and play the C Major scale.
  • sing and play melody parts and harmony parts.
  • perform music with a steady beat while changing dynamics and tempos.
  • perform music in groups or ensembles, showing appropriate rehearsal and performance skills.
  • move to music with various tempos. meters, and dynamics.
  • move appropriately to various styles of music.
  • improvise, compose and arrange rhythms and melodies.
  • compose and original musical piece.
  • identify music patterns.
  • recognize differences in music.
  • recognize voices and instruments in small and large performing ensembles.
  • evaluate personal performance and the performances of others.
  • read and write a C Major scale and all the notes on the treble clef.
  • recognize musical symbols.
  • identify dynamic, meter and tempo markings.
  • recognize music symbols:  sixteenth notes, eighth notes, quarter notes, half notes, dotted half notes, whole notes, sixteenth rests, quarter rests, whole rests, eighth rests, and half rests.
  • identify and perform various styles of music.
  • identify and describe instruments and roles of composers and musicians from various settings and cultures.
  • recognize how other subjects are related to music.
  • show respectful behavior as a performer and audience member.