Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Art and Music Fourth Grade Field Trip

Mrs. Zwahl's and Mr. Weaver's Fourth Grade Art and Music classrooms recently visited the African Art exhibit at Benedictine College.  It was a wonderful exhibit with a variety of examples of native African art, including pieces from Kenya, Nigeria, and Ghana.  The students at Benedictine College were wonderful hosts and provided our students an amazing opportunity to expand their understanding of the world around them through the study of the fine arts.  Thank you, Benedictine College!

Below are some photos taken by Mrs. Zwahl of our students visiting the exhibit.  We have also included a link below to a wonderful example of Hi-Life music from Ghana, West Africa.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

USD 409 Board of Education Music Creation Performance

 On October 5th, we had seventeen students from our advanced recorder consort, Music Creation, perform the USD 409 Board of Education and local patrons.  We were so proud of our student's commitment to perform and the excellence they demonstrated during their performance.

It should be an absolutely amazing year for our Music Creation.  Seriously, these kids are just AMAZING :)  As the sign says, "Our students are number one!"

I am pleased to share a few performance photographs taken by Mrs. Snowden, a proud parent of one of our consort members.